Wiring the Brain Archive
Neural Development / Innateness
Probabilistic inheritance and neurodevelopmental phenotypes: location, location, location
Robustness and fragility in neural development
Nerves of a feather wire together
Jump-starting regeneration of injured nerves
Does brain plasticity trump innateness?
Somatic mutations make twins’ brains less identical
Self-organising principles in the nervous system
Ancient origins of the cerebral cortex
Migrating neurons clear their path
LRR proteins help neurons find a partner
Cell Fate and Connectivity Intertwined
Noisy genes and the limits of genetic determinism
Human Genetics and Genomics
Missing heritability found safe and well
Lessons for human genetics from genetic screens in model organisms
On genetic causality: forwards and backwards
The dark arts of statistical genomics
The genetics of emergent phenotypes
I’ve got your missing heritability right here…
Somatic mutations make twins’ brains less identical
Searching for a needle in a needle-stack
Noisy genes and the limits of genetic determinism
Neurodevelopmental disorders
If genomics is the answer, what's the question? A commentary on PsychENCODE
Life after GWAS – where to next, for psychiatric genetics?
Genetics in psychiatry - hope or hype?
Is a polygenic model of schizophrenia genetics really proven?
The Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Autism, epidemiology, and the public perception of evidence
Autism: The Truth is (not) Out There
Exciting findings in schizophrenia genetics – but what do they mean?
"Common disorders" are really collections of rare genetic conditions
Why have genetic linkage studies of schizophrenia failed?
Are human brains especially fragile?
Probabilistic inheritance and neurodevelopmental phenotypes: location, location, location
Split brains, autism and schizophrenia
Environmental influences on autism - splashy headlines from dodgy data
Complex interactions among epilepsy genes
New insights into Rett syndrome
Searching for a needle in a needle-stack
Defining developmental disorders through genetics
What is a “neurodevelopmental disorder”?
Is Mental Illness Good For You?
Why Johnny can’t read (but Jane can)
What’s in a name? Genetic overlap between major psychiatric disorders
Philosophical issues
How much innate knowledge can the genome encode?
Beyond reductionism – systems biology gets dynamic
Were the principles of life invented or discovered?
Understanding understanding – could an A.I. cook meth?
Genetics is Karma - Western science meets Eastern philosophy
Why do lemons taste sour? The puzzle of innate qualia
Panpsychism – not even wrong. Or is it?
Top-down causation and the emergence of agency
Reductionism! Determinism! Straw-man-ism!
On discovering you’re an android
Debunking the male-female brain mosaic
Sex on the brain – a tale of two studies
Gay genes? Yeah, but no, well kind of… but, so what?
Sexual orientation – wired that way
Sexual orientation – in the genes?
Why Johnny can’t read (but Jane can)
Perception, Synaesthesia
Schema formation in synaesthesia
Popping the hood on synaesthesia – what’s going on in there?
Coloured hearing in Williams syndrome
Blue bananas and pink elephants
Hello, stranger! (on face blindness)
Synesthesia: crossed wires or free association?
Neurogenetic technology
Genetics in Society, Eugenics
Is your future income written in your DNA?
“Like father, like son”: Testing folk beliefs about heredity in the arena of assisted reproduction
The genetics of educational attainment
Genetics in Modern Medicine – the Future is Now
The New Eugenics – same as the Old Eugenics?
GATTACA and the coming future of genetic screening
Genes, brains and human nature; the joys and challenges of writing about science for non-scientists.
Bad Science
The murderous brain - can neuroimaging really distinguish murderers?
Calibrating scientific skepticism – a wider look at the field of transgenerational epigenetics
Debunking the male-female brain mosaic
Sex on the brain – a tale of two studies
On literature pollution and cottage-industry science
Autism, epidemiology, and the public perception of evidence
The Trouble with Epigenetics, Part 3 – over-fitting the noise
The Trouble with Epigenetics (Part 2)
The Trouble with Epigenetics (Part 1)
Environmental influences on autism - splashy headlines from dodgy data
The surprising real genetics behind the X-Men
When to blame your parents, and for what
Hub neurons spotted in the wild
Psst!… Pass it on! Cortical communication via the thalamus
Bad to the bone; altered connections in the brains of psychopaths
Visualising Connections in the Human Brain